5 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Job Search

Find a job yet? If it feels like it's taking forever, it's time to give your résumé a closer look 🧐

After reviewing thousands and thousands of résumés in my career, I have a pretty good idea of what you need to fix on your résumé (without even looking at it).

And, lucky for you, you don't even have to hire me to find out what you should do. You can get instant gratification when you download my FREE eBook, "5 Résumé Mistakes You’re Probably Making (And How to Fix Them).”

You can expect to learn:

➡The ONE thing prospective employers want to know

➡Why your design matters

➡How to submit an error-free résumé

➡The importance of customization

➡Which outdated element is a waste of space

Cheers to your success!
Michele Dye, M.A.
Founder of Dyenamic Career Goals

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